Since 1996, ABC has been an essential element in the success of many local private schools by providing customized admissions screening programs.
We understand that accurate and dependable academic screening is crucial to the success of your admissions process. Using widely respected and nationally normed standardized tests, we create flexible admission screening programs tailored to your school’s needs. Our experienced staff works face-to-face with students to provide a realistic measure of each student’s achievement and ability that is beneficial when determining an appropriate educational fit for students and school alike.
In addition to test scores, our screening staff members provide observations about each child as part of the screening report. And, our service is not finished when the screening report is provided. We are available by phone or in person to answer questions and provide clarification for school professionals and parents.
Proper academic placement of students is crucial to the creation and maintenance of any scholastic environment. Our highly successful programs assure that each child will have his or her best opportunity to excel.