Our academically based program is designed for children ages 3-8 and has a 5:1 student to teacher ratio. This low ratio offers opportunities for individualized curriculum and instruction.

The school follows a traditional academic calendar. Preschool and transitional kindergarten students attend from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Kindergarten and first grade students attend school from 8:15 am to 2:15 pm.


The school provides a friendly, nurturing environment where children:
  • develop language and listening skills
  • learn through sensory experiences and investigation
  • develop coordination through body movement
  • develop a good self-concept through positive interaction and praise
  • learn to think for themselves through activities which allow choices
  • foster independence
  • enjoy creative expression
  • strengthen their feeling of self worth
  • grow socially
  • enjoy experiences which foster spiritual, emotional and physical development